Sunday, August 7, 2016

Day 1: The body is raring to go!

It's about 4 AM local time. Am uncharacteristically awake. And ready for the day. Our wake up call is a one hour away. Our bus to Pokhara is a good three hours away. But sleep is elusive. The adrenalin has started pumping. It's either that or its the stomach trying to express it's displeasure with the mind trying to pass on the food given on the Royal Nepal Airlines as Dinner. A concoction of Capsicum, Paneer and Dhania masala. With dark brown beans to the side. Plain rice in the middle. The stomach is remembering the toor dal rasam rice had in the afternoon fondly. Sigh! But then the dessert was a steal..... Dark chocolate with some cream for company...heaven on a cloudy day. Yum. Now onto matters more interesting.

Our flight from Bangalore to Nepal, variously called the land of the Himalayas, the land of the Buddha, the land of the temples, took off much earlier than the scheduled departure. It's almost like the pilot sensed our eagerness to get started on our journey. A journey of a lifetime that promises to be nothing short of life changing. A pilgrimage that is set to make us feel the minuscule nature of the self and fall in love with the magnificent creation all over again as Sadhguru would say. A journey that I have been looking forward to for many months now, perhaps even decades. I can't wait to get started!

My plan is simple..... Come to Kathmandu and go to the Kali Gandaki river. That's it. The elaborate itinerary, the detailed planning, the advanced bookings....all are to satisfy the practical mind. The heart wants to be in the banks of the Kali. The rest of the self must follow.

So as the day begins, here's to a little prayer, a little hope, a little love for all to be well with the world and for the self to feel the waters of the Kali lapping gently by my feet.

Until tomorrow, may the love continue.

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