Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Time for a broader perspective of Space

In the previous two notes, we explored how most of us are locked in a limited perception of time and self, endlessly chasing life goals without any relief in sight. For most, the only relief that comes is in death. What are we living for? What is the purpose of this human life? What is the point in chasing behind elusive future ambitions when you are not able to enjoy the pleasures of today? These are questions we rarely have time to answer. But, there is no more ‘time’ to be languishing in this ignorance.

We are today poised at a time in history when Earth itself is evolving to her next stage. As we hurl through space, aligning ever more to the central sun, there are some extraordinary celestial events that have happened, are happening or are is going to happen such as the movement into the photon belt, galactic alignment, the alignment of the Suns, precession of Equinox, the solar flares, etc. As the Earth experiences a shift in energy due to these events, she goes through a transformation where before evolving into a lighter/higher density, she goes through a dark period and purging/pralaya.

Right now, we are almost at the end of this transition – as a result, what is called a shift in consciousness is occurring – from existing in 3rd Density, we are moving to 5th Density (an increase in frequency). The lower the density, the higher the feelings of separation from the creator (duality) and grosser are our experiences. Now, as the Earth moves to 5D, it gives us an opportunity as well to increase our vibration and move closer to the frequency of light.

Do not let the words confuse you – this transition can be viewed and considered from multiple angles – whether from a purely spiritual/”god consciousness”/belief perspective OR astronomical perspective with regards to the celestial events that are triggering this, OR from the perspective of an increase in frequency/vibration. But whatever angle you approach from, or whatever feels comfortable to you, the truth is we are facing a wonderful opportunity to move into a higher state of vibration nearing the frequency of light.

So, how do we move to 5D? It is very simple though may not "easy" in current times – all we need to do is hold the frequency of love and truth in our lives, and purge ourselves of our past baggage, ego-self and make all attempts to come out of the grips of ignorance, it will happen automatically as we align our vibration with Earth.

However, for those of us that are still caught in the dramas of our limited selves, this will indeed prove to a testing period.

Ultimately, as the Rishis and Siddhars outline, the end of Kali-yuga may even destroy your very soul. But before that, the inner struggle of your soul will reflect in your external life bringing you much pain and challenges. This is why it is important to know that your real self is not merely what you are today. “You” are much much more – a multidimensional being as they call it. And tools such as meditation, yoga, mindfulness and any of the hundred other holistic practices are designed and being made available to us today for this very reason.

As we take time to practice this and realize and break out of the limited perception of Self, Time and Space, we can realize a higher truth about our own existence and ‘reality’. We can finally move out of duality and experience the universal consciousness that has been spoken about – Or bring the universal consciousness into physical reality into our daily lives.

In short, the need of the hour is this:
1. Live a life of love towards yourself, your family, all human beings and all beings
2. Shed the past baggage/karma (there are many tools for karma cleansing)
3. Shed the ego-self (practicing humility, self-work, soul work)
4. Educate yourself and come out of ignorance (stop subjecting yourself to the influences of the external world, frequency control, Maya, etc, etc.)

#GoldenAge #TimePerception #Ascension #Spiritualgrowth

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