Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Time for a broader perspective of Time

All of us are well aware of the concept and importance of time in our lives – from our desires, wants and needs dictating our daily routines to weekly tasks to monthly ‘to-dos’ to annual planning – However, sadly, one’s perception of time is mostly confined to thinking within the limits of one’s own lifetime. And that would be perhaps about 80, 90 or 100 years maximum in current times. By studying history, one may extend this to a few more hundred years. But that is about it.

The ‘limited’ perception of time is one reason for apathy (including things like throwing garbage on street!) and many of the unethical (as per generic human standards but also, more importantly, our own) or unpleasant activities/ emotions/ feelings/ thoughts we let grow in our minds and lives. But it’s ‘time’ to wake up to a broader perspective of time.

As we are all well aware, time is cyclic – the ‘wheel of time’ or ‘kaalachakra’ is a concept well ingrained in our minds from the times of watching Mahabharata on Doordarshan! But as we continue chasing our desires and living up to other’s rules, we lose sight of this ‘nature’ of time. Our perception of time becomes ‘limited’ to days, weeks, months, years, and one lifetime. For those that believe in reincarnation, the perception of time may well extend to many lifetimes – but that is a rarity.

Belief or no belief, know that, in this cycle of time, we are now at a crucial juncture. Whether you want to think of it in terms of Hinduism/Buddhism that talks about the four yugas of Satya/Treta/Dwapara/Kali yuga, OR the Greek system of Golden/Silver/Bronze/Iron age, OR any other system that talks about “end times/ Apocalypse” and rebirth of the Earth, know that we are now in transition. The transition from the dark ages/iron ages/Kali yuga that we are currently living in to the Golden age or Satya yuga.

Just take a look at some of the world events - from excess floods in one part of country to severe drought in another part of the same country, or raging forest fires whether in America or Australia, to the ice melting and real global warming threats to the world we live in - all of it seem to be orchestrating some sort of ‘destruction’. While human activity is certainly a reason for many of these ‘events’, you must know that this is also a result of the cycle of time. In other words, these are expected to happen as Mother Earth shakes off all the crap we have piled on her and goes through a cleansing cycle to be reborn – to usher in the Golden age.

This is also a precious opportunity for all our souls to ‘cleanse’ itself of all the baggage it may be carrying from of all its births so far. As with all things connected to this particular way of perception of time on Earth, we cannot afford to miss this ‘opportunity’. If we do, we will simply be bystanders as the rest of the ‘awake’ humanity uses the chance to make the transition – and this is the best that can happen. The worst, of course, is the complete destruction of our soul – not our human body, not our ego identity, but the death of our very soul itself.

In short, this is not the time to waste time on your worries and concerns and go chasing things in the external world. This is the time to have a ‘timeout’ to really consider what’s important for you, deep inside. And once you find that, do as your heart dictates.

Are you doing that?

#GoldenAge #TimePerception #Ascension #Spiritualgrowth

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